Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Probably watching George or Clifford -- something educational...
Thank you Aunt Kendall, Uncle Jim and Great Grandma McCormick for our new shirts!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Schei children...

Catherine Elizabeth, 3 years, William McCormick, 2 years, and Benjamin Berges, 5 days. Wow... we have 3...

The Boys

William McCormick, age 2, and Benjamin Berges, 5 days.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

He is here

Benjamin Berges Schei was born at 12:52 pm. Weighing in at 8 pounds 14 ounces and 'standing' 20.5 inches tall. He has a calm demeanor and is very alert. He started working his eyes open right away and is now looking everyone in the face and mimicking our expressions.

Krista is feeling great. Ben was out in 4 'pushes' and delivery happened without any surprises. We will be in the hospital for 24 hours and then released to go home.

Ben got a 9/9 on his APGAR... I think he is going to ace his hearing test, too. He follows me with his eyes when I am talking. We covet your prayers and can't wait to introduce Benjamin to his family and friends.

A very timely family

After today, we will be 3 for 3 in natural births that arrive on their due date.

Krista and I are at the hospital now for the birth of our third child. Labor began this morning at 2am. We arrived at the birthing center at 6:45am 4 cm dilated and Krista in nearly unbearable pain with each contraction. Bay 8:30 am she was 7 cm and much more comfortable with a epidural. Big ups to the anesthesiology doc! He was fast, did a great job, and really was comforting.

Now we are waiting for the water to break to get things going. Our little buddy should be here in no time. More information to come...