Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thank you, dear friends of old... its never dull.

A weekend spent with these fine individuals is a weekend to remember. Thank you...

Scott and Holly... Dave and Beth... Geoff, Amy, Emily, Ethan and Eva... Jenny and Leo (missed you, Dusty) and those dearest to me, Kyle, Katie, William and Ben... also, in addition, my fantastic brother in law in from California. He had the pleasure of laughing around a table late into the night with these fine folk.


(Here are some shots from our Saturday afternoon down at Green Lake. Enjoy!)

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Jenny...

Everything 'fits' into place when she's around. There's no better way to describe how I feel when Jenny is here... and Leo has quickly become a fixture in that. He is exactly who he's supposed to be - the wonderment of who Dusty and Jenny are together as a couple. Now Leo just 'fits' and he is amazing.
God bless you, my dear friend. I love you and cherish our friendship.

Friday, February 20, 2009



Yesterday afternoon following my arrival home from Bible Study I was getting the kids dressed and ready to go to the park - it was sunny! As I sat on the floor of the kids' room, assisting William in the 'proper' way of getting dressed, I noticed a smudge on the bedroom door. It can't be what I think it is. After 3 weeks of coughs, watery eyes and runny noses the likelihood was high that this 'smudge' on the door was ridden with bacteria and cemented to the door - I have no idea how long it was there.

Katie walked over to the smudge, wrinkled up her face than relaxed and casually commented, 'oh... its just a sneeze.'

JUST A SNEEZE?! Have you got to be kidding me? I didn't think my kids KNEW how to pick their nose and wipe it on the walls! I immediately felt myself beginning to black out and struggling to come to. Everything around me began moving in slow motion and I could spot marks on walls as though I had a super power... boogers boogers everywhere! I HAD to get this house wiped down and FAST. My kids voices were getting slower and much lower as I rose to my feet and began searching for whatever antibacterial 'thing' I could find... LYSOL Wipes would do.

This morning I have swept, mopped, laundered, folded, stripped, and scrubbed in an effort to rid my home of grossness.

And I have LYSOL wiped any and all the boogers off my walls. Hopefully.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Beauty is Pain" and other Schei Shorts


I [discretely] rolled my eyes at Katie this morning as she asked me to put her pink and black Hello-Kitty-Found-In-My-Happy-Meal-Yesterday wristwatch on the 'tightest' fitting... she squinted as I squeezed the nodule into the proper hole (custom made by Dad as the stock holes were made for someone larger). I apologized for how tight it was and asked if she wanted me to loosen it. To that question, she shook her hair from her face, lifted her chin and sniffed back the snot and tears... she grinned through pained eyes and said, 'no, Mom. Than it would just fall off.' Under my breath I said, 'beauty is pain, my child. Beauty is pain.' She heard it. I didn't think she had and when she asked what I said I just chuckled, 'nothing love.' But not a moment later, Katie was reciting it to herself as if it were her new mantra. 'Beauty is pain. Beauty is pain. Beauty is pain.' I wouldn't have been all that concerned had she not been swaying back and forth with her eyes closed and rubbing the sides of her temples... For goodness' sake! I HAD been considering the thought of looking into some child modeling for Katie ONLY because she is a natural in front of the camera... but I'm not so sure it wouldn't completely destroy her sense of inner beauty and the importance of.
(photo: Pacific Northwest born model, C.E. Schei, and her young beau, Leo, at the Parents Magazine Awards banquet last October)


As we drove to the park today Katie and William sat in the back discussing the technicalities of being 'squooshed' on the road. Whether that be themselves or some other mammal was what sparked my interest in the conversation. Oh no. Wait. WHAT sparked my interest in the conversation was, 'HEY MOM' and what immediately followed was Katie regurgitating the entire theoretical situation to me.

"It would be bad if you left William in the middle of the road and his head split open...' (to which William lifted his arms in the air and whispered loudly as if to claim victory over the moment, 'yeeeeaaahhh...') "... that would be bad. And then you'd have to go back and get him because he'd be in the middle of the road getting run over by cars." Immediately following was William in his oh-so-conservativeness, "yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh... and my body would be broken all over and my head would be split open..." as he made a warrior-like face. WHAT in God's good name did this kid think he would be accomplishing by dieing such a heroic/martyr-like death (or so it seemed he thought) at the mere age of 2 years and 11 months? I can only imagine what was going through his mind...


THE EARTH IS BEING BLOWN UP (didn't know what invaded meant) BY BIG BALLS OF FIRE


... and oodles of other imaginative stories, I'm sure.


Monday, February 16, 2009

GGDC Update

Total Bill: $59.13
Total Savings: $46.41

Total Bill: $57.26
Total Savings: $59.85

Safeway Purchase II: (took advantage of a sale where the limit was 'limit 1 per purchase' so I did two separate transactions) *this transaction did include 5 bottles of wine that were not 'grocery game material' which explains the less than 50% savings.
Total Bill: $45.65
Total Savings: $28.50

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pot o' Pintos

Here is by far the largest pot of beans I have ever cooked. This evening our Small Group has committed to serving at a local church where every Saturday night those in need around the area can come and enjoy a free meal. Tonight we are serving bean burritos to 100+ people... and my house will smell like taco meat for days to come.

Happy Valentines Day!

We have spent the morning decorating our house, lounging in our sweats and making Valentines for every person that is in the house, is coming to the house, and may possibly come to our house at any time today... Katie loves anything "art". If you're coming over, please call first. Katie would like to make sure you are her Valentine, too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Laughter where once there was...

William McCormick Schei has a way about him. A way of making one laugh out loud in the middle of a church service. Or worse yet, a funeral. What's so great about this 'gift' of his is that he has no idea he possesses it. Oh how I wish that wouldn't change. Because I know the day will come when I look at him quizzically and say something along the lines of, 'honey, what was that?' with a disgusted expression on my face. He will think that he is the hit of the moment when all he's really showing is that he has no tact and/or understanding of the social context he's in.

But for now, creating a "shooting gun" out of two royal blue 4/5 Crocs and a pew pencil while the worship team belts a hit song from the most recent, not to mention original, WOW CD is fantastic and awesome. As is his way of distinguishing the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised. 'Hey, Mom. Look.' He painfully speaks through clenched teeth. I look across the hallway into the bathroom and realize that his face is scrunched in pain as he looks at me and then down again at his 'peep'. My eyes travel down and there he is, standing with his peep out as he leans backwards, legs apart, knees bent, pants down around his ankles and he's pulling the foreskin as far as it will stretch down around the base of his little 'peep', "this is what [friend's name] looks like..." He looks back at me - probably in hopes that he hasn't executed this maneuver in vain - and I frightfully lurch forward as I go into a schpeel about fertility I MEAN privacy and uniqueness.

He tries so hard too. My heart is so proud that he makes such an effort at being, well, a girl when the time is appropriate and he feels the need to connect with Katie. He likes to have his nails painted, he likes to play the Mom if necessary and because he loves 'movement' so much he often turns that into a dance of sorts. This evening it was ballet. Or modern dance, if you will.

William's moves were new and original. Brian Boitano couldn't compete with the likes of one graceful W.M. Schei. He moved across the floor not unlike a crab walking on its two back legs, front arms bent and elbows shooting skyward behind him as he bent over in, I don't know, beautiful form. He waltzed and twirled and must have felt to him much like one feels when watching footage shot from a handicam - a little queasy and uneasy, your back hurts and you keep blinking your eyes in hopes that the feeling will go away and everything will become smooth and clear again. He ends each and every 'count' in a gorilla-like form. Squatting low, with one hand curled up under his armpit and the other one pounding the floor while slightly bouncing. He tops it all off with somewhat of a superhero expression on his face...

And off in the distance my daughter is extending one lanky leg up over her head as she does an arabesque with perfect balance and pristine form. A look on her face as though she's performing in front of thousands of people and they're all there to see her and no one else.

Ok. You can't see the latter expression on her face but I know her well enough to know that she is already thinking that way. They're there for her charm and elegance. Oh dear Lord, help me now. I have a little man who believes guns, foreskin and gorilla dancing are the way to get through the difficulties of life and a little lady who, if she could, would dress and dance until her clothes were too small and her feet bleed.

I have a lot to learn from them.

Oh... and I don't know what was there before the laughter. It just seems that when I laugh at my children due to their awesomeness and originality, I don't have anything to compare it to. I think God created that feeling for this moment... when I look at them as though I can see something supernatural and my heart swells as though I want to cry because the moment warrants such emotion but all I can do is laugh.

It is good.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

GGDC Update

That stands for Grocery Game Dot Com.

Total Bill: 36.87
Total Savings: 43.05

That's awesome.

Total Bill: 24.51
Total Savings: 34.98

That's also awesome.

If you're wondering whether or not you're reading the information correctly... you are. I spent $61 and saved $78.

Monday, February 09, 2009


I've had about a week of feeling quite numb. Whether its been that I've missed a couple doses of my 'happy pills' or the Satanic snow fall; whether its the detrimental behavior of my eldest child or the absolute bliss-turn-apathetic feeling of spending time with friends who know me well enough to not need me to be happy... (shout out to Mark and Rebecca and Jeremy and Rachel... you all are in my top 2 of couples - nothing like a good bloody battle, eh?)

Not sure where my quietness is coming from... well actually, I do. I simply don't have the energy to 'filter my words' carefully. I want people to be like me and in my egocentric moment I've realized I should cautiously stop typing and go pray about the words that want to fly forth... no, nothing earth shattering and most likely it has nothing to do with you. I'm not holding any grudges or upset to the point of melting but I am stewing in my quietness... whether out of contemplation or cautiousness. I'm not sure.

I'll (probably) talk to you tomorrow. No, not the 'you' that I've been stewing about. Just the 'you' that's reading this right now.

Cheers. Sleep tight.