Thursday, June 07, 2007

"My Kids are Cuter than Your Kids"

You've seen the bumper sticker.

When I read that on the back of somebody's car my first reaction is "oh, you're THAT person. I wouldn't relate with you. In fact, you already annoy me." Then I have this fleeting thought of "we should compare kids."

I'm certain that while you're reading this you are thinking the same. You're thinking, "no, mine are cuter than yours".

They probably are. But then their kids are cuter than yours and the next kids are cuter than theirs, etc. ...


Anonymous said...

Hey Krista - it's Alison Keith. I check your blog occasionally still. And I have to say that my kid is cuter than all other kids!! Funny! :) Hope you're well.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree...your kids are cuter than everyone else's kids. Except mine. :)

Jaemi said...

Yeah, I think I have to agree with the rest of the moms, although face like this the title is still up for grabs! :D