Friday, July 24, 2009

Photographer goings ons.

So much goings ons... how do you say that? I never know where the 's' belongs.

Its been a crazy ride. Its been a momentous time as of late. Preparing for my first 'public appearance' as a photographer - that's when you say to yourself, 'ok... here we go...' deep breath, head down, charge! (that's just the vision that comes to mind, don't know why exactly... maybe I ran that way as a small child)

It is amazing to see God open doors and give me vision for my career. I enjoy every element of what I do from the personal interaction with my subject to the editing to the delivering of the images. It leaves such a fresh sense of 'pure joy' on my heart when I know I've delivered something to a parent that truly touches their heart and exceeds expectation.

This last weekend went great as I publicly displayed my photos at the Cute as a Button event in Mill Creek, Washington. The turnout was fantastic and the prospects for future clients brought so much excitement. I photographed between 45 and 50 children and the shots turned out beautiful... maybe it has to do with the fact that there were 45-50 GORGEOUS children present and I just got to capture them being them!

In any case, thank you for your patience as I have stepped away from my usual routine to tend to the work that has demanded my attention o'er the past couple weeks... PRAISE THE LORD.

I'll be back soon...

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