Friday, February 20, 2009



Yesterday afternoon following my arrival home from Bible Study I was getting the kids dressed and ready to go to the park - it was sunny! As I sat on the floor of the kids' room, assisting William in the 'proper' way of getting dressed, I noticed a smudge on the bedroom door. It can't be what I think it is. After 3 weeks of coughs, watery eyes and runny noses the likelihood was high that this 'smudge' on the door was ridden with bacteria and cemented to the door - I have no idea how long it was there.

Katie walked over to the smudge, wrinkled up her face than relaxed and casually commented, 'oh... its just a sneeze.'

JUST A SNEEZE?! Have you got to be kidding me? I didn't think my kids KNEW how to pick their nose and wipe it on the walls! I immediately felt myself beginning to black out and struggling to come to. Everything around me began moving in slow motion and I could spot marks on walls as though I had a super power... boogers boogers everywhere! I HAD to get this house wiped down and FAST. My kids voices were getting slower and much lower as I rose to my feet and began searching for whatever antibacterial 'thing' I could find... LYSOL Wipes would do.

This morning I have swept, mopped, laundered, folded, stripped, and scrubbed in an effort to rid my home of grossness.

And I have LYSOL wiped any and all the boogers off my walls. Hopefully.


Lisa said...

That is TRULY GROSS! Thanks so much for sharing :) At least it wasn't the "other" gross bodily function, right?

Anonymous said...

can you come to my house next?

Holly said...

oh my... am the same starts with one wipe and all the sudden i am on my hands and knees in the kitchen trying to get it all! good to know i am not alone!