Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Jess and I... oh yeah, and the parade of children.

We probably shouldn't be allowed in public. But as of yet, there's been no law passed prohibiting the sleep deprived mothers and their offspring to walk freely within the confines of a public building. Until that moment comes, Jesseca Emerson and I will take advantage of any mall, park, museum and consignment store that will allow us entry.

Jesseca (left) comes almost complete with her 4 year old son, Riley David (right), and her 3 month old daughter, Regan Anne (below right). I (left below) follow suit with my 2 year old daughter, Catherine Elizabeth (right), and my 6 month old son, William McCormick (below right). I can see the Mall Security now. Sitting in the viewing room, watching the security cameras and picking away at the unsatisfying lunches their wives packed for them that morning when all of a sudden one guy looks up to see Riley stroll through the Nordstrom entrance in all of his glory while quick behind is the all too familiar parade of two sleep deprived mothers, ANOTHER toddler and a couple of breastfeeding babies. It is Jesseca Emerson and Krista Schei. "They're back boys. Let's warn the men on the ground and FOR GOD'S SAKE, SOMEONE... ANYONE! Call the 3:00PM shift supervisor and tell him. We know they'll be here most of the day."

Jess and I don't usually plan our outings in detail. There's no reason to. We commented on how our husbands wouldn't be allowed to accompany us on these outings because we don't want to HAVE to explain to them why all these 'stops' and 'breaks' are especially important.

"Yes, the kids need a moment to play. And YES, they probably will again before we go!"
"Yes, I need to feed Regan/Will again."
"No, I didn't put a diaper on Riley, he's potty-trained but he has to go NOW!"
"No, Katie can't swim in the fountain! Yes, I mean it Kyle! Even if you roll up her pants!"
"Yes, it is worth it to go nurse the babies all the way down at Nordstroms and then resume our shopping."
"Yes, I DO think that GAP Kids will have some good sales."
"Yes, even comparable to a consignment store. Haven't you EVER looked?!"
"No, the kids have had enough shopping for one day. They won't listen anymore."
"I said, they won't listen anymore! We need to haul out of this place as fast as humanly possible!"
"No! There's no time to stop by the APPLE store. I'm so sorry."

All the while Katie and Riley are "acrobatting" their way down the walkway outside the mall yards ahead of their mothers. They are dancing, laughing, hiding, head-butting, screaming and on the brink of going insane. Jess and I pick up our speed. We walk at a faster pace, pass stores that only moments earlier were an option to browse, and race for the car. We pile the kids in and start the engines praying that God will be gracious and allow the kids a somewhat easy bedtime routine once we pull in the drive. Each time I say, 'I won't do this again!'... but believe it or not, the joy of the outing is all too much to resist the next time around.

Yesturday morning Jess and I decided to take the kids to ice cream at Coldstone at Alderwood Mall. That way they could play on the toys outside of Sears and Jess and I could also spend some time looking for good sales. (Not WHILE the kids were playing. No. We're not that bad.) We arrived at 4:00PM and left at 7:45PM. Let's see... we went into 3-4 stores - at most. The rest of the time was spent doing what we love to do most...

Raising a handful of freakin' adorable - not to mention well-behaved - children. Thank you Jess for being the friend that I need at moments like these. I love you SO much.

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