Thursday, July 03, 2008

Creating Moments

Its rather plastic to think about "creating moments" because 'moments' should just happen. But I've found as a Mom that the more you try to create them the more extraordinary moments you have. Making the effort to bring together the unlikely scenario in hopes of experiencing something extraordinary rarely fails to deliver.

Today, in spite of the thunder, lightning and unpredictable rainfall I took the kids to feed the ducks down at Silver Lake. I sported the Moby Wrap with Benjamin fit snugly inside while Katie and William wore their rain-gear and crocks. We had stopped at Central Market to purchase some hot dog buns and made our way down to the water.

We were alone. Surprise.

I believe even the ducks made us feel stupid. Their hesitant approach suggested that nobody would be there to feed them with a rationale mindset and instead we were there to skin them illegally and take them home for dinner. I took a deep breath and said, "c'mon you stupid poultry just create some memories and give me the benefit of the doubt for god's sakes." They did! I've never seen the kids so close to the ducks before! We unloaded 8 hot dog buns in less than 5 minutes and the kids didn't want to leave.

Don't give me too much credit (and maybe you're not), realize that on the way from Central Market to the park I considered going straight home and apologizing to the kids that the weather made it "impossible" for us to feed the ducks. But I knew that was BS. I knew that in the Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter there could exist any number of reasons NOT to do something and instead I wanted to find a reason TO do something. We would survive... and the kids would enjoy it. And oh wow, I enjoyed it too! Shocking.

Of course I enjoyed it! The fresh air. The rain. My kids. The silence away from society because they were all indoors at the moment - rationally so.

We had a wonderful time. And for a moment, I just encourage you to think outside your box and allow yourself to get soaked. You'll love it! So what if it takes you 15 minutes to exit the vehicle considering all the preparation involved! So what if your van gets wet! So what if your kids ride home naked! So what if you have an extra load of laundry!

The kids will sleep better and so will you.

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