Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Nesting instinct... really?!

Was the person who created the concept of "nesting instinct" ever pregnant? Did they understand that the last few weeks of cleaning your house like a maniac has nothing to do with cleanliness but instead has to do with the absolute insanity that you find yourself in? They say that you're "term" at 37 weeks, but one should NEVER begin anticipating the arrival of their child at that point. NEVER.

Just because the floors have been swept and swiffered, mopped and laundered, the office has been re-organized, the front yard has been mowed, the driveway's been swept clean, the car's been cleaned thoroughly... more than once, the backyard is now completely void of any plant life it previously held (the extra "stuff" was driving me crazy) and the refrigerator was carefully pieced back together after being anti-bacterialized doesn't mean I have an unnatural desire for cleanliness. No. This is rather evidence of insanity than it is a calm, beautiful, "nesting instinct" that has increasingly taken over my life the last 3 weeks. Ask my husband.

If I don't go into labor tonight or awaken in absolute surprise from a "broken water balloon" in my bed tonight, I'm sure Kyle and I will find a way to indulge in my state of insanity tomorrow as it is his day off. I'll keep you up to date on what our next project is... I'm starting to see visions of sod laid in our backyard and pool-fencing stretching across the first terrace; I'm seeing visions of all the trim being completed and doors being hung in order to complete the remodel on our house; I'm seeing visions of a few more weekly OB/GYN appointments prior to this child's arrival and unfortunately, most of these visions are concluded with a picture of a very prune-like, 12 lb. baby boy in my arms as I sit exhausted in a hospital room screaming "FINALLY!" ...

...yet, at that point I can't figure out if I'd like to shoot the 12 pounder out and deal with the work and immediate consequences OR spend the following 4 weeks recovering from a cesarean section.

I'm due in 2 days and I'm hoping that this kid comes 'early'... therefore, hopefully tonight will be the night. We'll keep you posted.

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