My dear younger brother is having trouble coming to grips with the fact that just because he was *nursed through elementary school doesn't necessarily mean his life is a depiction of ease and convenience.
He's about to begin his second consecutive year of teaching 3rd graders in Yakima, WA and, if I've heard correctly, he's in high demand. He attempted to withdraw his name from a list of applicants following an interview he had for the aforementioned third grade position due to having already accepted a first grade job elsewhere. Though he desired to continue teaching third grade he felt that the a week's notice prior to school starting might be less than honorable and rethought the idea he had of continuing the 'hunt'.
As he called to withdraw his name it was mentioned that he was in fact the candidate that they were just about to call to OFFER HIM THE JOB. David, finding all of this to be a bit awkward and yet exhilarating (not his choice of words maybe, but that's how I'd feel!) dove right into his concern for quitting his post as a first grade teacher at another school so near the beginning of the year!
It all turned out to be a wonderful opportunity and the details were sorted from there. Consequently though, David and my Mom spent a day this weekend putting his up and coming room o' education together.
Great job, brother. I'm so proud of you.
Please see my creative Mom at work... she constructed the tree above. I've pressed her to write it all down in detail and post it on the intertron but she says I'm just shining her on... I'm not, Mom. In fact, I'd like to hire you to do the kids' playroom... but this time, construct it so they can climb. I know you can, you little sprite of creativity. Who knew!
*Note: David was not nursed through elementary school.
1 comment:
Krista-I know it has been a long time but I lost track of your info and have been thinking about you and wondering about number 3! I will try to keep up with your blog as I have enjoyed these last few i just read. I have just been thinking about you a lot and wondering how your mom was and it sounds like good from the looks of that tree. My son, Jack, thought that David was his Dad when the picture came up! Very funny. Anyway, I would love to reconnect and see where you are in your journey these days. By the way, I can't believe you are still eating Just-in-Quesadillas still. My email is Maggie
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