Thursday, September 04, 2008


Just recently my interest in photography has hit a crossroads. I have the choice to begin understanding the fundamentals of what makes a good photographer a good photographer through research and couple it with lots of practice or I can simply plateau here and enjoy the art of photography at its most elementary level.

The satisfaction I get out of a really great picture is overwhelming. I see people out at the zoo... on their own... taking close up shots of butterflies and elephants, flowers, crowds of children, corn dogs and giraffe tongues and I want to run up and ask them if I can walk around with them. I want to know what they're thinking to see if they are as obsessed with a great shot as I am!

I think its become quite evident that I want to begin the research and venture out on developing my skills as a photographer... wish me luck!

In the midst of this realization my husband and I spoke. He gave me advice that will forever make me smile... "Krista, start at the Apple store. What a Mac can do to assist a photographer in his or her art is absolutely amazing." ...and he continued to sell me on this vision. I've come to understand this is not out of his own selfish desires to own a Mac but instead out of the deep belief in his heart that Macs rule the earth.

My love, I will make my appointment at the Apple store.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I love your pictures, and I think you have a natural talent at it, so you should definitely research because you could be really really great! And then you can do my family photos!!