Thursday, September 11, 2008


I'm sure the history buffs out there reading this will roll their eyes and begin reciting all the reasons as to why the boundaries are the way they are... but honestly, have you ever thought to yourself (quite likely while trying to transpose the outline of a country for your 7th grade research paper), "who came up with these jagged little boundaries and aren't there better things they could do with their time?! (...quite likely while cursing your history teacher for assigning this particular country that you've never even heard of.)

Today during my BSF class here in the Seattle area, our Teaching Leader put up a map of Egypt and its neighboring lands prior to the creation of Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia... as we know them today and then overlaid the current countries. Sitting in the front row (suck up)... looking up at the overhead... I once again had the fleeting thought as to who does the work and why is there such detail put into the boundaries?

To me, it comes down to efficiency.



I've got better things to do with my time and I'm simply trying to keep the kids from dropping their drawers in public! Nothing earth shattering...

But guaranteed, more important than who gets the 10 square miles of land unaccounted for... you take 5, I take 5. Fair enough.

And draw a straight line for goodness' sake.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Cute park pictures. I especially like the one of will with the blury background.