Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A feel good moment...

The movie "Baby Boom" starring Diane Keaton is one of those movies that when I get the urge to watch it I can't stop thinking about it until I do.

Diane Keaton plays a working woman in the 80s who doesn't have time to get married to her long time live in partner let alone consider a family when at a moment's notice she discovers the death of an extended relative leaves her the legal guardian of Elizabeth, a 1 year old without a family of her own. The movie transforms Diane Keaton's character as a career-oriented woman to a single Mom, living in a beautiful home in the country making her own applesauce. That in turn spins her into the owner of her very own company "Country Baby" the demand growing so quickly she can hardly keep up with it. I love the movie... if you're looking to see a clip check it out below:

Baby Boom, starring Diane Keaton (1987)

All told, in the Fall when I decide to make homemade applesauce, or any baby food for that matter at this time of year, I sense this growing urge to sit down and watch one of my all time favorite "chick flicks", Baby Boom (1987).

If any of you out there are sensing the urge to enjoy a good... down country... seasonal... romantic/comedy than let me know and we can make an evening of it.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Too funny! I love that movie, it has been a really really long time since I have seen it, but I do remember the applesauce scene!