Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ponderings as of late

Why is it that I have a resistance towards destinations such as The Great Wolf Lodge and would much rather take my family camping for a weekend?

Why is it that what is most exhausting to me isn't the 5 errands I ran with all 3 kids today but the cumulative 10 minutes I spent over the course of the day waiting for my son to focus and pay attention to what I was asking him to do?

Why is it that when my husband challenges me to do something it is all the more enticing than when he doesn't? And no, don't misunderstand me, this is not an emotional or spiritual challenge but more the likes of two children making bets on who can hold their breath the longest. I'll let you know how I do 29 days from now.

Why is it that salad tastes better when someone else makes it?

Why is it that I walk around my house looking for things to pick up or clean and then get frustrated that there's always something for me to do? I need to stop looking for goodness' sake.

Why is it that I can't stop surfing craigslist even when I don't need anything?

Why is it that William is so much harder to get the attention of than Katie? He is constantly needing discipline and redirection in order to accomplish even the smallest of tasks.

Why is it that the things I'm doing right now are the things my children will one day look back on, critique, and change when deciding how to raise their own children? I would like a heads up! Its amazing what I could learn if I now knew what I will know then.

And by the way, when its this hot and I'm sweating profusely inside my house I always remember Ashley Judd in "A Time to Kill". Just a random thought in hopes that there might be more people like me out there. Oh yeah... and when I hear a certain song from the Fightclub soundtrack I always picture myself driving a Shelby GT as if in a movie.

Enough about me. What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

You are so right, I LOVE it when other people make salad!