Wednesday, October 29, 2008


You bought what costume? And it cost you how much? For your child who is how old?

Where have the days gone of Mom sewing my brothers' and my California Raisin costumes from purple waterproof material at Joanne's?! What about the AWESOME green martian costume I wore one year in elementary school -- my parents couldn't even get me into the front seat of their '86 gold Ford Escort! I was made of a LARGE, odd-shaped box and vacuum-type tubing painted green covering my arms and legs... my face was painted green and my hair was molded to my head with green guck. I was a witch one year and in 5th grade I was Cinderella -- oh, there was no Disney store. Yeah, Cinderella manifested herself from my FAVORITE pink and white party dress (Stephanie Sanders and I begged for party dresses - hers was purple). Mom (once again) pinned up the outer layer of the gown every 10 inches, or so, creating a somewhat "ballroom affect" and ordained it with bows! I felt GORGEOUS! I roller skated like a beauty queen that night in hopes that Cory Richards would notice me. He had a beautiful dark brown mullet and was really good at soccer... I always watched him during recess.

Katie wants to be "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" Barbie this year. She's spoken of it for weeks now and it has been quite the process. First it was so matter of fact as to what she was going to be and I had never even heard of it before! Then as we discussed it she was aware of the possibility that that may not happen. I wasn't trying to teach her a lesson at this point in the game as much as I was appalled at the fact that Costco wanted me to pay 29.99 for dress-up dress! Do kids not know how to play with sashes and heels and make up anymore?! I NEVER had dress up clothes except what Mom handed down to me... we have pictures of those days.

Just this evening as I drove our babysitter home, she explained to me Katie and hers discussion regarding Halloween. Katie mentioned to Emily that she is going to be "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" Barbie but Mom and Dad have to talk about it first because its really 'spensive' (expensive)... she gets it. At least in her elementary terms she gets it. Now Kyle and I are at a crossroads. The last two weeks of not letting her buy the costume even at sale price has become a wonderful lesson for her and she gets that things come at a price -- a price that is sometimes "too high" for Mom and Dad.

If I take her to Costco tomorrow to buy the dress at sale price will it be the best thing? I don't know... Moms around the world are saying, 'oh go for it!' but there are such detriments to these moments with our children when there could be such wonderful reward when it comes to their hearts and understanding what it means to bring GLORY TO GOD on a daily basis! I don't want to forget the joys and imaginations of childhood but I DO want to remember the importance of saying no to the world's way of finding those "joys" and instead rooting my children's excitement in the character of Christ!

We'll see what the evening brings as I sit on all I have discussed with you... I'm sure clarity will come. He always brings it when I ask Him to.

1 comment:

Geoff/Amy said...

Thats a tough one...hmm let see what would Christ do...well he approved of Mary Magdalene pouring out expensive oil onto his feel when she could have bought a lesser oil and given the money to the poor...(I'm not sure that that applies to this situation though) and then there is much in the bible about helping the poor...I've caught myself telling Emily and Ethan that we can't buy something because it is too expensive but I think it is equally important to explain to them why we can't afford this or that...because we have chosen to give to people who don't have any food and who don't know about Jesus and besides we already have more then we need and we need to be thankful for what we have. Well, whatever you decide as long as she understands whats important and whats not I think whether you get it or not doesn't matter too much.

O yeah did I tell you we got a dog? A cheap one.