Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cheap cheap cheap...

I've been open to feeding my third child, Benjamin, whatever's on the family menu that night -- of course, I stay away from the big 'no no's such as nuts and honey -- but even cow's milk has been an ingredient in a number of dinners as of late and I have felt little to none concern about it... don't know if its clearly something that I don't need to worry about with him or if its simply that I've gotten more and more laid back as the time has progressed from first child to third child. Its the CHEAPEST way to feed him...

I take his dinner portion of corn and pasta and chicken, etc. and throw it into the food mill! I pour it out into a little bowl and he gobbles it down... okay, he devours it! Its cheap and easy and its whatever I've got on hand. Yesterday he had chicken nuggets and carrots mashed together and he WREAKED of big people food with flavors of garlic and salt when I went in to retrieve him out of his crib for his 12am feeding; consequently, I've decided not to give him that combination again for a long time.

I've also taken to buying up 10s of cans of vegetables when they go on sale (20/$10) and grind those in the food mill as well...

Just a thought for those of you trying to pinch some pennies.
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Proud parents of Noah said...

I love your idea of just mashing and blending what you are already having! So smart! Plus, your pics are really turning out wonderfully. Keep up the good work.

Sara said...

Totally agreed Krista! I did the same thing, I am more laxed with the first one. It is the cheapest (we had to do formula) and I remember when Kena started solids gerber baby food went up .20 cents in one week!! UGH! So we were more 'ready' to move her up to real faster!

Sara said...
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