Thursday, November 06, 2008

Deck the halls...

Katie has been walking around the house aimlessly singing songs like,

(to the tune of "The more we get together")

"I'm glad I'm not a turkey, a turkey, a turkey... I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
We'll stuff you and cook you and eat you for dinner... I'm glad I'm not a turkey on Thanksgiving Day."

... and to be quite honest with you, I'm not even in the Thanksgiving mood yet. Its still a few weeks away!

On the contrary, this afternoon I was beyond excited - and ready - to buy my pre-lit garland at Costco, come home, put the kids down for naps and begin unraveling it and hanging it... I still have the tedious task ahead of me of spreading each and every twig from the crammed state that it was in for efficient packaging but that can wait... for today I'm simply enjoying the festiveness of the lights as I walk in the door.
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Lisa said...

Not ready for Thanksgiving but ready for Christmas? That sounds like selective celebration :)

Unknown said...

Good choice on the garland. Target's was lame.