Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Schei Family

Erik A., Krista E., Daryle A., Kyle M., Catherine L.M., Benjamin B., Catherine (Katie) E. and William W. ...

Last name: Schei

This is the wonderful family that I married into eight years ago and I love each of them very much. Not only have they put up with my idiosyncrasies, they've even WELCOMED me and all my idiosyncrasies! My brother in law, Erik, is great and one of the most gentle people I've ever been around. When the rubber meets the road he'd choose right relationship over anything else in his world... he deeply cares and I love that I know that. I know that he adores me and I him... it makes for such a unique relationship and some wonderful memories, for sure.

My father and mother in law, Daryle and Kathy, live on Bainbridge Island. They can be seen sippin' a short drip of Starbucks coffee while crossing the ferry for their weekly visit to our home in Everett, WA. Their hearts are to create experiences with their grandchildren that are timeless. Daryle and William will spend hours laughing over the physics of things (hitting, falling, bouncing, etc.) while Kathy and Katie spend time creating things such as silk nighties, and well, creating style - hair brushes and hair pins, lovely fabrics and fantastic patterns. Although the aforementioned activities suggest differently, Daryle and Kathy have been intentional about creating moments that are not "gender biased" or shallow in any way. The latest creations: homemade bread, Rice Krispie treats, Thanksgiving place mats and pine cone bird feeders... these moments will be burned in the kids' memories forever. Oh... don't fret for Ben. He's not far behind -- Grandpa's already talked to him about who knows what and taught him how to do who knows what! :)

Thank you to all of you for taking time out and spending the last four days here with Kyle, myself and the kids... we are grateful to you and are anxiously awaiting the wonderful week of Christmas...

And I won't forget the Pumpkin Pie. Again.

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