Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't you judge me.

After a Not So Exhausting afternoon of playing in the Eastern WA heat, I did NOT leave my two oldest children at home with my 16 year old sister and her boyfriend, and I did NOT spend that time at Anne Taylor Loft and spend $80+ on shorts and skirts. And upon arriving home and agreeing to a walk with three kids (4 year old riding a bike) I did NOT haul her behind me with a rope up hills all the while telling her that next time we'll think about it before choosing such a long route. I did NOT just look at the clock to discover it was bedtime, put another movie on for the kids and come downstairs to blog because I didn't want to take time out to read books, brush teeth, go potty and pray. And I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT bring down the bottle of wine so that I could refill my glass without pause.

Nope. Not me. Never would I do such things.


Maggie said...

Why is it that bedtime is the most exhausting part of the day? Also, since I don't have a blog. I did not steal my husband's beer last night at dinner and say I needed it to boost my milk supply. In case you were wondering.

theforbz said...

Oh how I miss Anne Taylor Loft! And Eastern WA heat..(not Eastern WA mind you - JUST the heat!) As for judging, I just have to say how nice it is to have a live-in don't judge me! :)