Thursday, June 04, 2009

Icecream cones, popsicles and sunshine...

My windows are open and the fresh air spins its way in and out and through each doorway in my house. I love the sound of the blinds knocking against the wood trim, or the corners of the printer paper flapping on the desk. I enjoyed cleaning my kitchen this morning and letting it dry au naturel in the breeze... oh! I LOVE this time of year.

And no doubt, the joys of summer are being had by the kids as well. Until the sun disappears and the rain begins pouring we will be outside getting wet, sticky and soaking up the sun. Lots of popsicles and icecream; lots of salads and mixed drinks; lots of BBQs and fruit... and I can hardly wait to indulge in roasted corn tonight while friends are here. I just got done shucking it... even THAT was fun, and of course, done in the sun.

Feeding Ben a popsicle...

Ben says, 'this is the life.'

1 comment:

theforbz said...

We just introduced Oliver to iced "lollies" too this week - it's been gorgeous here! I LOVE the garden patio BBQs - Aidan decided that eating outside was such anarchy that of course it also meant that he didn't have a bedtime...he was so disappointed :-)