Friday, January 09, 2009

Chad Lusk

The night was weird. Unlike any night I believe I've ever had... dreams were extremely vivid and unfamiliar. They were each compilations of scenarios that shouldn't belong together and people that don't make sense being in the same room. I tossed and turned sweating like a pig and awoke to the startling sound of my cell phone on my nightstand...

Let me take you back about 12 hours. Sitting at the dinner table, surrounded by my Small Group members, my phone rang in my purse. I saw that it was NOT the babysitter but instead the caller ID read "Berges Home" with a symbolic image of a little white home. I ignored the phone call and went back to my dinner... not more than 10 minutes later, the phone rings. I retrieved the phone from my purse knowing that my Mom would be the only one calling me more than once and I immediately walked away from the table into the kitchen. There could only be one reason why she was calling and I didn't want to hear it no matter how real it was... I answered with a bounce in my voice hoping that just maybe she would respond with Lottery news.

Her countenance was solemn and her words were to the point. "Chad's organs are shutting down," with a catch in her throat. "Dad cleared his appointments for the day and is on his way down there now." My soul is downcast and my vision blurs but I want to cut to the chase and quick so that I can begin processing. "Mom, are they thinking the night and that's it?" "That's what the thought is..." We both cry for a moment in silence and I thank her for calling... we chat a moment longer and hang up. I knew the next 12 hours would be long for everyone involved.

I reach over to the nightstand and answer the phone. My Mom's barely audible voice mentions that "Chad went home"... "about 4am this morning". I take a deep breath, knowing there's nothing to say and thank my Mom for calling. I hang up the phone and roll onto my side... I peer out the the windows as the storm that had been beating at the house all night slowly subsides... and I cry. A good hard cry. Not for myself but for those that will experience for the next few hours a void that has never been experienced. Chad Lusk, like a said before, 'a depiction of handsome meets mountain man', is gone and the lack of his presence will affect everyone who ever knew him.

Kathy, Amy, and Matt... our prayers are with you. What an awesome man your husband, your Dad, was and will always be to those that got to experience him.

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