Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our morning at home...

I got up with the kids at 7:15a! For those of you who know our family THAT is fantastic. Our kids go to bed around 7-7:15p every night and wake up about 6:30a every morning... that way Kyle and I have a predictable evening to ourselves and I don't mind the early morning start to our day. I'm a loon.

This morning was wonderful as the kids slept until 7:15 -- some of them even slept until 8! I woke first and let Kyle sleep... then Kyle woke and I went back to bed while Benjamin took his morning nap since I wasn't feeling so good. We decided to bag the 10:30am service that we usually go to at church and instead catch the 5pm service tonight... I just wanted to share some fun shots of our morning. I was playing with my speed light while Katie turned our living room into a bounce house and then took them upstairs for a nap when I noticed the sun coming through the window. Did you hear me? SUN! I had the kids pose while I played with the exposure.

Oh, but first, please enjoy William's 'homemade' umbrella. When he whipped this up I was inspired to get the camera -- I'm glad I did because these are some fun shots.

1 comment:

Sara said...

we are the same way at our house. Kena goes down at 7ish at night and gets up around 6:30-7am. However this morning she slept until 7:45..we woke up before she did! There must be something in the air.