Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not So Family Friendly and Kid Safe.

As I ran my errands this morning I braved the local Christian radio station - of which I'm not a big fan of. The "uplifting and kid-safe" motto is not what inspires me to listen to it from time to time... I actually DO enjoy some Christian music out there and if it weren't for the unflappable cheerful tone that plagues the station no matter what they're talking about, I might be more apt to listen. I mean no offense to anyone who enjoys this station -- it just doesn't suit me or the faith that I cling to on a daily basis. I'm one who awakes in the morning, tussled hair and sweaty, gulping my 2 cups of coffee as if it were my life-line and close to homicide anytime someone turns on overhead lighting. If I were to turn on Spirit at that point in the morning, I can guarantee you I'd pull my gun from its holster and blow away the face of the receiver - without regret. But that's neither here nor there.

My relationship with the station itself is beyond repair and today created even deeper wounds when one of the ads came on for a local weight loss clinic. The ad contained material such as 'God didn't create you fat' and 'be more capable to do what you've been called to do' (what?! how many strippers are doing it for the Lord?! was my first thought... oh, they're talking to teachers, pastors and strippers alike. I see...) I was sick to my stomach to hear this ad twist God's voice in such a way as to make someone think that we have the ability to take ownership of what God does in our life! What's to keep someone from feeling entitled to some of the credit for what God's done in their lives when they're under the impression that the weight loss was what made the difference in their 'success'?! Sick. What a testament to our perverse way of thinking. I think what angers me so royally is that its the same crap that I've heard in my head for so many years and through studying the Word of God its been reiterated over and over again that these are lies the Enemy forces us to believe. The ad continued down the road of lies as it joyfully described the opportunities that await you -- no diet or exercise needed!

For those who know me. I enjoy the art of exercise. Exercise is what keeps our bodies healthy and capable of performing in our daily lives. Yes! Exercise creates health and health creates a physical aptitude of sorts which then in turn can contribute to what God has called you to but that has NOTHING to do with your physique. Your heart... your lungs... your body as a whole performs at various levels and what is sufficient for one may not be sufficient for another dependent on lifestyle and only you can be held accountable as to whether or not your physical capabilities is withholding you from serving the Lord in the capacity He's asked you to serve Him. But don't for one minute think that your light weight 120lb-self is going to be able to perform better than your 180lb-self in God's kingdom following some 'fantastic opportunity' you paid for down at the lipo clinic! No, God doesn't care about your physique. He cares about why you're the way you are... I can guarantee you the result of being obese can be due to the same compulsiveness that is at fault for being 95lbs. It is a heart that worships something greater than the God you claim to serve. Whether you eat too many calories during one meal or you run 10 miles a day -- if its not honoring to the Lord, you're both at fault.

As I sat in the car today, my children in their seats behind me, I teared up. I could not stand the fact that the local Christian radio station was enabling my daughter (who asks me daily if she's beautiful) to invite such dangerous lies into her head. And I had to conscientiously remember to not discuss my 'squooshy tummy' with an heir of resentment anymore but instead discuss with her the fantastic opportunities that await us in getting outside and playing.


the mind behind said...

Great blog!

Kristen said...

where did you get that picure of me in the bathing suit :)

kschei said...

Rachel must have taken it cause I'm in the shot too...